View Full Version : Pictures in threads

07-21-2013, 10:33 AM
I love to see the threads posted that have decent size images attached. Those pics help me a lot. It would be nice to see more photos being uploaded and posted in threads.

03-26-2014, 11:04 PM
u r so right we as Toyota van owners need to stick together

10-01-2015, 10:09 PM
Right on about posting pics and sticking together!! :redvan::yellowvan::greenvan::bluevan:

For some of my pics there is a tiny preview in the picture manager (button below your post that says 'manage attachements'). For other pics there is not. Does anybody know why? Lately none of the pics I upload have a preview. A little preview would be really nice to have since my pics are usually named IMG_8454.jpg or a similarly meaningless name.

Also, does anybody else have the problem that pics are upside down or sideways once uploaded?? I do and I have no idea how to change this, as they look correct before I upload them to TVT.

Just to show how serious I am, and to show that I am not joking around even one iota or atom or electron, here's a picture of my first TV, which I obtained south of Seattle and enjoyed putzing with until I traded up to a 4WD, and inherited problem after problem. Still, few regrets. Love the TV.


10-04-2015, 09:02 PM
Some types of pictures can be viewed by people not logged into the forum, other pictures require a login to be viewed. Does anybody know what makes the difference? :cnfsd: Is there a way to set permissions for pictures? Or, is it an 'inline' picture vs an 'attached' picture?

05-21-2016, 05:19 PM
Right on about posting pics and sticking together!! :redvan::yellowvan::greenvan::bluevan:

For some of my pics there is a tiny preview in the picture manager (button below your post that says 'manage attachments'). ................

...hmm,, looking for some hints on uploading pics,,

I'm getting an 'upload failed' message, whether I go to 'insert image' at top of post,, or 'manage attachments', below ..any further deets?

...using the same camera and computer photofile as in my toyo online file

05-21-2016, 08:10 PM


05-21-2016, 08:21 PM

...just tried again...'manage attachments',, 'add files',,'choose a picture'..........even a past picture I have in the file caused 'upload failed' <;-/

...but for some reason, this one worked!.....

05-21-2016, 08:22 PM
Micah, I'm not sure what's going on with your pics, but they work for me. I know you've successfully done this before, so I don't think you need any assistance. Just in case you're missing something I'll go over it.

1. When you're in the "dialog box" (place where you type new posts), you will see an icon in the tool bar that looks like a picture of a tree. Click on that and follow the prompts..........it's that simple.

2. When you hit the "submit reply" button the picture should display in your post.

Fuquan, sorry about not responding sooner, for some reason I missed your post. This was an issue a while back, but a few months ago I went into the site control panel and changed permissions. The changes I made should allow everybody to see pics whether they are signed in or not. The reason some were visible and others were not is because some are hosted here (TVT) and other are hosted elsewhere. The pics hosted here (TVT) were not viewable to non-members because the site software was set to not allow it (that's been changed). My pics and some pics posted by others using "remote hosting" displayed for all. Remote hosting is done at different sites (like photobucket.com). Pics are uploaded there then a code is copy/pasted into your post so the picture can display here (like a window to the other site). I like doing this way as it gives me more flexibility for editing and using the same pics in multiple posts. For regular members, I try to encourage the use of TVT's software as it gives us more control and minimizes the chances of pics going missing. Unfortunately there is no editing software available for vBulletin forums, so that's the disadvantage. When you see threads with missing pics, it's usually because the original poster used a remote hosting site, then deleted the pics or closed their account. Tim

05-21-2016, 08:30 PM

...tried that earlier,, and again now. Something must be up.

The pictures still download to gmail,,is it possible to email you a set to post in my most recent post in 'bumper rebuild'?

05-21-2016, 09:14 PM
I'm thinking it must be something with your browser. Try FireFox or something other than what you're running now. There's always the picture hosting sites that offer free accounts (lots of options). Tim

05-22-2016, 02:06 PM
I'm thinking it must be something with your browser. Try FireFox or something other than what you're running now. There's always the picture hosting sites that offer free accounts (lots of options). Tim

...same deal with firefox :?:

I've got a flikr account,, I guess the idea is to use an individual picture's URL from there. I'll give it a go

...edit.... 'invalid URL' :wall:

05-22-2016, 02:50 PM
In my experience, Flickr can be incredibly user-unfriendly, including as a location for photos to be shared elsewhere. I ended up going with Photobucket for the purpose and ditching Flickr.


05-22-2016, 03:33 PM

...wowww,, seems there's no hope for me,, tried photobucket,, pics still come up 'invalid',, even ones I've downloaded here before,, and can still easily put in an email. :dedhrs:

...my only hope for picturing-up 2 threads is if someone will let me email my pics for posting :?:

05-22-2016, 05:54 PM
Since you're having trouble with pics on 3 sites, it's got to be something wrong on your end. Do you have access to another computer?

05-22-2016, 06:26 PM

...yeh,, something going on.

I tried uploading at another site I use... 'pictures too large',, even ones I've downloaded before.

...I guess I'll need to figure out picture sizing. some. day. :dizzy:

06-06-2016, 04:11 PM
I keep reading that people are having issues loading pictures so I thought I'd give it a try.

06-06-2016, 04:14 PM
Looks like it worked. Two of these were previously uploaded and one of them I uploaded just now in case there was an issue with with uploading new photos. I don't have a remote hosting account like photobucket to test that scenario so these are uploaded directly to the forum.

10-15-2016, 10:18 PM
I just started having problems loading pictures too since I got my new iPhone, I'll have to try and remove my pictures live feature and see if that helps??

10-15-2016, 10:48 PM
Yea working good :thmbup:

10-15-2016, 10:54 PM
Oh man nice!!

Are you using an iPhone 7???

I turned off my Photo Live feature but it still didn't work:?:

Theres also a HDR button, I'll try and turn that off as well and see if that works.

Or I'll probably have to fire up the iPhone 4S for photos!!!!

10-15-2016, 11:09 PM
try using imgur for hosting photos. its the best (and free)

10-15-2016, 11:43 PM
I wish somebody would come up with good photo hosting/editing software that works well with vBulletin. If such a thing ever becomes available I'll be all over it. Until then the only options are to struggle with the lame software here or find a good remote hosting site. Unfortunately I can no longer recommend photobucket as they have really started to suck. Tim

10-16-2016, 01:35 AM
Do you know what version of vbulletin we use? i dont know a whole lot about it but it looks like the latest version is vbulletin 5. you could probably look around or post in their forums and see if theres something out there like that. or ask if theres someway to integrate imgur - im pretty sure imgur has an API that could make doing that possible (probably no editing, but hosting would be nice)

of course you can always just upload to imgur first and then link it like you would with photo bucket or anything else. I've always just uploaded directly to here but i know there are limits to that.

10-16-2016, 02:29 AM
Oh man nice!!

Are you using an iPhone 7???

I turned off my Photo Live feature but it still didn't work:?:

Theres also a HDR button, I'll try and turn that off as well and see if that works.

Or I'll probably have to fire up the iPhone 4S for photos!!!!
Im still using the ole 4s. Cracked screen, slow... Its just barely working! I really ought to get a new phone. Maybe someday soon? Im still Trying to get camper van maxed out for winter in Palo Duro.

10-16-2016, 03:52 AM

thanks for for the heads up on imgur I'll check it out, I like the convenience of just posting right out my photo library. The forum is currently running vbulletin 4.2.3


no worries I'll see if there's a way to reduce the picture size and maybe that'll help, maybe it's like mistershmi said that the vbulletin isn't up to date??


wow still sporting the 4s, i thought I was the only one!!! I had to finally move up, 3 months ago I got the iPhone SE and then just went all out last week and gave it to my son and picked up the iPhone 7... I think it's the phone that's causing the problems.

10-16-2016, 06:43 AM
We might be behind one or 2 revisions, but our software here is pretty current (we just brought everything up to the latest version ~ 1 year ago. I spent a lot of time researching this the last time it was brought up and posted about it in another thread. Here's a copy paste from that:

FYI, I recently looked into getting better picture software as an add-on or plug-in to the site & got the following response from our hosting service:


Unfortunately there there are no supported advanced image manipulation add-ons available for vBulletin that I am aware of. Images being sideways and upside down is a common issue due to the way some devices embed data as to the orientation of the camera when the photo was taken and many OS's correct the orientation automatically but generally web browsers do not.

What I have told my users to do was to start uploading images to an image hosting site like http://imgur.com They offer advanced editing tools, and after uploading they can quickly copy and paste the BBCode (Forum) text and paste it directly into a new post.

It gives users a powerful easy to use upload option and also keeps your server disk space from getting filled with images that can be hosted elsewhere.

I hope that helps.


URLJet Support

So, I guess for now, users who have trouble with our on-site photo hosting should go to photobucket or one of the other remote hosting sites. I'm sorry about this as I'd prefer to have complete control of the pics, but I've played this out as far as I can. It's possible future versions of our software will include better image hosting, but for now we are running the latest version and this is as good as it gets. Thanks for understanding. Tim

10-16-2016, 02:23 PM
We might be behind one or 2 revisions, but our software here is pretty current (we just brought everything up to the latest version ~ 1 year ago. I spent a lot of time researching this the last time it was brought up and posted about it in another thread. Here's a copy paste from that:

thats perfect! i forgot imgur gives you BBcode links. as mentioned, uploading them directly to the forum is better for you (you'll have long term control to keep images from breaking) but those looking for a good external hosting option it sounds like imgur would be the way to go.

Ace MM
10-18-2016, 12:59 AM
Santa Barbara

Ace MM
10-18-2016, 01:01 AM
wow still sporting the 4s, i thought I was the only one!!!
my son has a 4S

10-18-2016, 01:47 AM
Very cool van, Ace MM! (drool, drool) :drool:

Could you please repost that in the Van and Previa Talk subforum? I think it belongs (deserves to be) there!


Ace MM
10-21-2016, 12:57 AM
having technical difficulty uploading photos, keep get Failed message

11-29-2016, 12:13 PM
I'm getting the same problem, please share a solution if you find it :-)

11-29-2016, 01:02 PM
I'm getting the same problem, please share a solution if you find it :-)

NoLime, in reviewing one of your recent posts I noticed you're using Flickr. As llamavan mentioned earlier in this thread, it's also been my experience that Flickr is not "user friendly" (as it does not offer correct tags for posting pics that display in forums). They only provide links that redirect people to their site to view pics. Photobucket has gotten messed up with other issues (mainly problems with editing pics), but at least they offer up ready made tags for the forum. If you copy/paste photobucket's third picture tag it will display the picture nicely in your post (no need for redirect). Imgur offers tags that will work, but you need to add the code "" ahead of it and "" behind it (no spaces) to make it display directly in the post.

FYI, this is all based on personal experience, and I'm far from being an expert in these areas. If anybody has better information, please share. Tim

12-04-2016, 03:25 PM
I like to use Lunapic. Fairly straight-forward. After a little experimenting most people should be able to use it quite easily. If I can figure it out, so can everyone else:doh:.

Tip: I found when resizing a pic to post on the forum, size 600 x 800 seems to be a perfect size.
This way the pic is not oversized causing people to scroll left/right to see the whole image.



12-04-2016, 04:52 PM
Thanks for the suggestion. I had not previously heard of them. Tim

10-12-2018, 07:43 PM
For the benefit of anyone who has been reading this thread, Postimage broke all my photo links, and has since deleted my account and photos without notification. I definitely cannot recommend Postimage for photo hosting.


12-08-2018, 08:22 AM