View Full Version : Van Blogs & "spammer" registration question
10-29-2010, 11:42 AM
howdy folks,,, not sure if this is my issue (connectivity, knowledge, wayward fingers, etc.) or something in the software, but yesterday when I was creating my new Van Blog and tried to save it, I was told that I was not connected and so all the info I had typed in was lost. My forum "handle" was shown up at the top of the page the whole time. Kinda frustrating, but no big deal and I didn't lose any knuckle skin or blood. :)>: Also, it was kinda frustrating when I was registering and had to eventually figure out that the correct answer was case sensitive "No" after multiple attempts. :doh: Again, this wasn't a big deal in the end,,, AND I kinda feel lame for even writing about it, but if it could be changed to not having to be case sensitive easily, it might help others save a moment or two of cunfusion. Cheers.
10-29-2010, 12:09 PM
Thanks for letting us know about that. Having the site run smoothly is important to us & communication is key. I will look into it and make sure it's working correctly. Tim
10-29-2010, 12:59 PM
Okay, I've gone into the control panel and added the answers "no" & "NO" as possible good answers. I tested this by creating a temporary new user and all 3 answers tested good! I did notice that when I intentionally answered that question wrong it did erase other fields and I had to re-enter information, so I assume that's what happened to you.
I'm not sure what may be going on with the blog problem, but I suspect it may be a glitch with our hosting. About a week ago Network Solutions was doing some maintenance and this was causing all sorts of weird issues with the forum. I lost a couple of posts in a similar way to what you described, but that seems to be behind us now. Let us know if you have any more problems and what specific actions it takes to duplicate them. Thanks again for bringing this to our attention. Tim
10-29-2010, 02:02 PM
Cool, thanks Tim. You hit the nail on the head with the registration deal. The blog issues I was having very possibly could've been due to connectivity issues on my end, but I wasn't sure and we didn't have any known issues yesterday,,, so I thought I'd bring it up just in case. Thanks again for the prompt reply. We're all in this together. :thmbup:
10-29-2010, 06:25 PM
Thanks for bringing the registration issue up, VanSurfer. I had no idea it was case-sensitive.
And thanks, Tim, for beating me to the punch and taking care of it.:thmbup:
Other than the weird issues we were having one day last week, I've not had Network Solutions (our host for the site) drop connections on me, but the way we find out about it (if it is them) is for everyone to report if it happens to them (and when, including the time of day) so we can find any patterns and thus pursue problems quickly and effectively. So thanks for the report (and really sorry about the lost input!!! :dizzy:).
FWIW, I learned (the hard way) to work up any extensive text in a word processing program on my computer, save it, and then copy-and-paste into another site I had been posting on. I then realized it was probably a good practice since there are a lot of ways stuff can disappear before final submission ... including the cat accidentally unplugging the computer ... :lol:
10-31-2010, 11:45 AM
FWIW, I learned (the hard way) to work up any extensive text in a word processing program on my computer, save it, and then copy-and-paste into another site I had been posting on. I then realized it was probably a good practice since there are a lot of ways stuff can disappear before final submission ... including the cat accidentally unplugging the computer ... :lol:
Yup, yup,,, I usually try to do the cut and paste thing, but sometimes get caught in the moment and that's when Ole Mr. Murphy comes a callin with his law...:doh: Smart cat you have, our dog simply likes to run around and knock laptops off tables...:swear:
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