View Full Version : Sounds funny? (Request to add Sienna to TVT)

07-24-2014, 04:50 PM
I have a collector mentality, but would you expanding the site to include Sienna be kinda funny?

07-25-2014, 12:36 AM
You are actually the 1st person to ask. If there is enough interest we'll probably add a Sienna section. I had a Sienna once for about 2 weeks but didn't like it (I took it back). As a result I know absolutely nothing about them (& likely never will). Tim

07-25-2014, 01:31 AM
You are actually the 1st person to ask. If there is enough interest we'll probably add a Sienna section. I had a Sienna once for about 2 weeks but didn't like it (I took it back). As a result I know absolutely nothing about them (& likely never will). Tim

I think it will take people to post about siennas and chip in, most of that crowd are on other forums, but you know, I thought this was just a Toyota Van forum and saw that Previa was included.

I think it would be great to have a site that was dedicated to toyota vans (in general, not the 80's van).

We should try and get some Tarago and estima folks involved too.

It's just a suggestion, this is gonna be my new home, so I figure learn about the vans, previas, and siennas.

07-25-2014, 08:38 AM
I worked for Toyota as a tech back in the 90's and have also owned & maintained many Vans & a few Previas. As a result I am familiar with both. I wouldn't have anything to offer in the Sienna world but see the logic in having a section for them. They are getting old enough now for broke people and DIYers to own and maintain so having a forum section would be nice.

One of our struggles here is we lost our IT guy. It's probably pretty basic for somebody with experience to start a new section, but I would probably fumble with it for hours.............probably mess up other things in the process :dizzy:. This is something Gwen & I will need to consider/discuss. Thanks for the suggestion. Tim

07-25-2014, 05:44 PM
I worked for Toyota as a tech back in the 90's and have also owned & maintained many Vans & a few Previas. As a result I am familiar with both. I wouldn't have anything to offer in the Sienna world but see the logic in having a section for them. They are getting old enough now for broke people and DIYers to own and maintain so having a forum section would be nice.

One of our struggles here is we lost our IT guy. It's probably pretty basic for somebody with experience to start a new section, but I would probably fumble with it for hours.............probably mess up other things in the process :dizzy:. This is something Gwen & I will need to consider/discuss. Thanks for the suggestion. Tim

No big deal. When I was on f31club, we started to build information not just on the infiniti m30, but the japanese versions of the car too. So we attracted tons of people from other countries because we had so much info added. Everyone was also willing to experiment with their cars, so we had some cool write ups on suspension swaps and what not.

Building things take time and I honestly, this is a good place to start. I mean you guys got the Toyota van covered and a good amount of previa info too. As soon as people start to feel that they are part of a community, people chip in. Start building information and taking pictures.

Maybe even have "other vans" section for those mitsubishi, honda, mazda folks too.

By no means, there is no pressure or anything, just an idea.

07-26-2014, 12:19 AM
Maybe even have "other vans" section for those mitsubishi, honda, mazda folks too...............

I like that idea, but struggle with the decision to stay small or go for being big. I currently read everything posted here and try to respond whenever I can help. Sometimes even with the small forum and just a few members it's hard to keep up. I kind of like small forums because you get to know people better and everybody is better behaved.

We could go for being big, and there can be financial pay-offs with advertising etc, but then there's problems with trolls, people putting others down etc. Of course that doesn't need to happen, it's just been something I've observed on other forums. All things to consider. I think we finally have a good foundation, perhaps we should try to expand. Any other members have opinions or wish to weigh in? Tim

07-26-2014, 08:03 AM
I like that idea, but struggle with the decision to stay small or go for being big. I currently read everything posted here and try to respond whenever I can help. Sometimes even with the small forum and just a few members it's hard to keep up. I kind of like small forums because you get to know people better and everybody is better behaved.

This is exactly where I'm at. I also read everything posted here, even if I know I can't respond (don't own a Previa and never will). That takes some of the load off Tim when posts are inappropriate (spam, in the wrong subforum, etc.) so he has more time to answer the serious questions.

I'm personally already very frustrated with not being able to do more (MUCH more) on the TVT Library (http://www.toyotavantech.com/forum/content.php), which has been entirely my gig (partly because it's something I can do, and also to avoid a case of too many cooks screw up the organization effort).

Please understand that neither Tim nor I get paid AT ALL for doing this, and the site hosting costs money (and more use = higher cost). $$$ aside, Tim's and my time budget is finite. We can't do more because the time simply isn't there. (And if I had more time, I'd be putting it into my own shamefully neglected vans and van projects.) Larger site = more spammers, more posts, more mis-posts, more moderators, more disagreements, more misbehavior, more back-channel coordination between Admin and Mods, just more of everything.

The one with the vision and the energy is really the one in the very best position to bring that vision to fruition, just as Tim and I launched TVT to keep Vanwagons and Previas alive and running through information exchange and archiving. So by all means ... go ahead! Make your vision a reality! Choose and buy your software, get hosting, set up that all-van, all-makes site and post a link to it here on TVT! :clap:


07-26-2014, 03:15 PM
Gwen and Tim,

You both have done a great job keeping something like this going. I totally understand the time and effort it takes to keep a forum going and interesting. I've posted asking questions with only 3 people replying, majority of it comes from you Tim.

I agree with you on a small forum scale. The great thing is you have a site that caters to Van and Previa owners. There are other previa sites out there, but to me feels like a real enthusiasts owners site.

I am new to the previa and this site, so anything I suggest, is just that. I will contribute as much as possible as well.

What I will do once my van is running, is meet up with some of the people on here (Nor Cal) and have some what of a club meet up and take pictures. As you said, small forum makes it become more personal.

But you both are doing something great and Tim, I cannot thank you enough for the info you have put forth!

07-26-2014, 06:38 PM
Thanks cv. I'm not ruling it out, but now is not the best time (my business is breaking all-time records this year........like almost double). As a result I'm working 80 hr work weeks & still can't keep up. If I ever retire & get bored I'll revisit this. Of course trying to get big & actually getting there are 2 completely different things. I'm for quality over quantity & like Gwen I don't currently have enough time to police or keep the same level of involvement on a larger site. Tim

07-29-2014, 11:51 AM
Thanks cv. I'm not ruling it out, but now is not the best time (my business is breaking all-time records this year........like almost double). As a result I'm working 80 hr work weeks & still can't keep up. If I ever retire & get bored I'll revisit this. Of course trying to get big & actually getting there are 2 completely different things. I'm for quality over quantity & like Gwen I don't currently have enough time to police or keep the same level of involvement on a larger site. Tim

I'll be honest, I am super impressed with the information you have provided for the Previa, but especially the Vans.