View Full Version : Best place for build thread?

Mr. Previa
12-03-2011, 11:58 AM
This is mostly for moderator(s). Where is the best place to start my build thread?

Take care.

12-03-2011, 03:23 PM
Thanks for asking. Organization is important and a top priority here on TVT. So far the blogs (http://www.toyotavantech.com/forum/blog.php) have been used mostly for trips and the like but IMO (others may vary), I would put an extensive build thread there. Of course you would also have the option to break it down into individual repairs and post in the Previa Technical (http://www.toyotavantech.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?10-Toyota-Previas) area too.

Gwen (llamavan) seems to have a better grasp on site organization, so I'm sure she'll chime in here with her take on it soon. I'm glad you found us and I'll be looking forward to viewing your thread and/or blog entries. Tim

12-03-2011, 05:45 PM
For modifications, resurrection and/or restoration of your own van, your Van Blog is the best spot to document the process. The Blog is one of the features (along with the Library) that influenced us to buy the vBulletin software rather than going with an easier-to-learn (and cheaper) type of forum software.

Besides being able to showcase your whole project(s) as YOURS (by having it under your profile), the Blog section has some extra organizational features. Blogs also give you the ability to turn off comments (initially while you're still building the blog or indefinitely if you choose) or to zap specific comments, and also to decide who can and can't view your blog. And there's custom colorization and fonts and such (which you don't have to use unless you want to).

If you have questions about some technical parts or process with your van, definitely post those questions in the appropriate forum. If you get the answer(s) in a forum thread, you can reference those questions/threads with links in your Van Blog. That way, people can go read the whole discussion, or just stick with the results depending on their current needs (and available time).


Mr. Previa
12-03-2011, 06:20 PM
Thanks yall.

07-09-2018, 11:18 PM
I know theres a tech discussion forum, and a forum for just talking vans... I also noticed things being moved from the tech forums when they aren't necessarily tech related.

Is it an option to have a forum specifically for build up/ or resto's? Or is there already a spot designated for those?

07-10-2018, 12:49 AM
Your "Van Blog" was intended to be the place to post your personal mods, builds, epic road trips and restorations. A number of people have indeed taken advantage of the Blog feature. Unlike a thread, you can control comments and restrict who views your Blog.

Others have not, and you'll have to use the search function as described here (https://www.toyotavantech.com/forum/showthread.php?5323-Searching-TVT-successfully-and-posting-new-threads) to locate some of them.

My suggestion is to use your Van Blog and then let people know that you have a new Blog entry (include a link) in the Van and Previa Talk subforum. The vBulletin software isn't always user-friendly for everyone's devices and other people enter the forum without ever going to the main TVT homepage (where links and previews of the newest blog entries show up), so a "new entry" announcement really helps generate traffic.
