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Hi Donnie. I still have it and it is still for sale if you are interested.
NickP 11-03-2024, 09:12 AMHowdy, this is donnie in California, member for 8 years or so with an '89 auto wondering if you've still got the van.
donne13 11-02-2024, 10:55 PMI've never done it with my Previa, but i just finished reinstalling the axles on my 97 4runner about 10 minutes ago. I assume its pretty similar, so they should just line up and slide in IF all the...
Previologist 11-01-2024, 11:35 PM
1993 Diesel Townace built with Bus Spirit
Hi All,
karachaffee 11-03-2024, 04:42 PMLately, when I have ingested a dose of magic mushrooms--sometimes I get on a piece of cardboard and scoot under the Townace--start the engine and just listen to it. This I did two days ago....