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Thread: The fusible link thread

  1. #41
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    Re: The fusible link thread

    I am looking for the same solution for the 2.0 FL.. Had the exact same response from 2 National Automotive shops, the Advanced Auto freaks and the 10th century parts guy at Toyota. "Dumbfounded"... Side note -bought the 1.25b FL through Toyota today for $26.84, 1-2 day shipping..

  2. #42
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    Re: The fusible link thread

    Great to hear that you found it. I have not had any issues with the dash lights or charging system since I replaced both fuses near the battery. Not too far from you in Columbia, SC. Good luck !

  3. #43
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    Re: The fusible link thread

    Nolo - My local auto parts store had short (10-12") 12g FL wire in blister packs, I used about 6in with crimp and shrink connectors (ring terminal at battery, butt terminal where it meets the harness)

    No issues since.
    Hope it helps


  4. #44
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    Re: The fusible link thread

    So the amperage of the 2.0 is 80A and you can simply straight wire without an actual fuse, just the FL wire? Can you post a photo here of that set up? I'm not very electrically inclined..

  5. #45
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    Re: The fusible link thread

    Found 7 foot pieces of 12 Guage FL Wire for a replacement of the 2.0 FL at NAPA and runs about $1 per foot. I think I have figured it all out at this point and I thank you all for your imput. It has been tremendously helpful.
    Big props to Tim in Portland! Keep it weird and keep it wired!
    Former P-Town resident myself...

  6. #46
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    Question Re: The fusible link thread

    What can I replace these fusible links with if Toyota links arent available? Best substitutions?

  7. #47
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    Re: The fusible link thread

    The FL1.25B and it's holder are still available from Toyota as is the yellow main fuse.
    As they are still available, its the easiest route to go (and not overly expensive and they "fit" without having to re-engineer anything).

    The other 2 are NLS, but the solutions are all contained within the post you have quoted.
    (Pico or weather-pack fuse holder with a 15A ATO fuse and 6in of 12G fusible link wire, both are sold at most auto-parts stores)


  8. #48
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    Re: The fusible link thread


  9. #49
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    Question Re: The fusible link thread

    Ok here we go! I changed my fusible links and checked all connectors...tried to start and checked for codes. The engine light blinks 3 times then stops and 3 again several times. Assuming the code is 3! Would any issues with cap, rotor, wires or coil cause this or is it a cut and dry issue with ignitor?

  10. #50
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    Re: The fusible link thread

    Rivvy - Now that you have your links sorted, perhaps this discussion would be better addressed on your other thread?

  11. #51
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    Re: The fusible link thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Rivvy121060 View Post
    Ok here we go! I changed my fusible links and checked all connectors...tried to start and checked for codes. The engine light blinks 3 times then stops and 3 again several times. Assuming the code is 3! Would any issues with cap, rotor, wires or coil cause this or is it a cut and dry issue with ignitor?
    My flashing dash lights ended up being a half-burnt ignition fuse. Although my van is totally different than yours so it's a long shot. Worth checking though.

  12. #52
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    Red face Re: The fusible link thread

    What happens if you run it with the headlights fusible link removed? I assume the obvious in that the headlights won't work, but is anything else affected?

    I have a short somewhere in my headlight system and it goes away only when I remove that fusible link. So I am curious if I can run my rig during the day with the FL out and not have my battery drained...

    Anyone have any idea?
    Thanks and happy holidays😃

  13. #53
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    am1 fuse replacement?

    hey guys, so i started getting an occasional clicking when trying to start my van (1986 2wd 5spd) and saw a lot of corrosion on the battery terminals so i decided to go through all the fusible links/battery terminals etc. when i got to the am1 fuse, it looked like the previous owner had tried to remove it with a hammer. blindfolded. it was all beat up and cracked, and the clear cover on the top was missing. the fuse was still intact, but so green with corrosion that i figure id be crazy to not change it.

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    i pulled it out, and took it to the parts store and the guy behind the counter said they didnt carry fuses like it and that he had never seen one it a special fuse only available through toyota maybe? is it special because its a "fusible link" and not a fuse? If anybody could share a link of where i can find one if it isnt a specialty toyota fuse, that would be excellent! ive done a fair amount of searching but couldnt find anything that looks similar

  14. #54
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    Re: am1 fuse replacement?

    Not sure about the aftermarket but easily available at your friendly neighbourhood Toyo dealer.
    It was used in many different models over the years, you shouldn't have any trouble locating something.

  15. #55
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    Re: am1 fuse replacement?

    I've bought replacements from vatozone, but I'm sure you can find some online! look up bussmann 60 Amp Fusible link. Hope this helps!
    That smells like regular! She needs premium DUDE! PREMIUM!

  16. #56
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    Re: The fusible link thread

    Howdy folks!

    So some recent problems with my 87 4WD van. First the headlights went completely out. After searching, replacing stuff (even swapped out the main fuse block!), testing, etc...found the cause to be a blown Fusible Link behind the power steering reservoir. Replaced that...all is well....for a little bit anyway. Driving to Oly the other night with the headlights on, chillin', cruisin' and all of a sudden everything shuts OFF! Dash lights, head lights, engine...ALL OFF! Traced the problem to my AM1 Fusible Link. The van is killing these things one by one! With no tools or spare fuse, had the van towed home....luckily I wasn't far.

    Off to the parts vans I go. Both had the fusible links still. I replace the AM1, van started but when I turned on the headlights, the van wanted to die. After playing with this a few minutes, the van died and blew the headlight AND EFI FL. WHAT?! After inspecting, I'm finding the van has/had some fairly corroded Fusible Links. I replaced the blown ones with the best ones I had and now turning on the headlights isn't an issue and the van seems ok. I want to keep spare Fusible Links in my vans. Having problems finding them online... are they NLA? Anyone have part numbers for these? I looked at the online FSM and didn't find part numbers. I'd like to have at least 3 sets of each. Picture below of what I'm looking for...any info is appreciated.

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  17. #57
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    Re: The fusible link thread

    How do you pull the AM1 fuse, i was able to pull out the first 3 and couldn't figure out how to get that last one?

    Thank you


  18. #58
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    Re: The fusible link thread

    Hey JDM! The AM1 fuse is attached with screws. There are two bolts holding the block up, just loosen them and slide the block out. You'll see the wires attached with screws. You can either use a screwdriver or a socket (8MM?) to get the screws loose. Took me a while and a busted up Fusible Link to figure this out.


  19. #59
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    Re: The fusible link thread

    thought i'd pass along some potentially valuable info related to fusible link trouble shooting:

    only had this van a few months. it runs and drives great. but i noticed when it was wet and rainy van would start and run rough. a few times (only when it was pouring rain) engine completely lost power and shut off. after it dried out van started up fine and drives fine.

    i replaced distributor cap / cap seal, rotor, spark plugs and plug wires.

    i also covered the 1.25B fusible link with an aluminum sheath.

    no more problems! even when van has sat in the rain for days and driven in pouring wet conditions.

    i can't say for sure covering the fusible link in an aluminum sheath was the only fix but it seems like a good idea to help keep off water and dirt etc. some people say a thin coat of dielectric grease on the FL might help.

    i used these aluminum take-out boxes 3 for a dollar at the dollar store which i cut and bent to shape. also made a shield over the alternator with same material. maybe i'll make something a little more permanant later.

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  20. #60
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    Question Re: The fusible link thread

    Can you still buy the AM1 fusible link?

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