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Thread: 87 stalls

  1. #1
    Van Fan
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    87 stalls

    well i've been driving problem free for quite while now. In the last couple days my streak has come to an end though.

    cold or hot my van started to stall while on the road. sometime the lights just come on for a brief second and then it keeps running. Other times it'll just cut out while driving down the road. starts up no problem and sounds fine.I replaced the fuel filter without removing the passenger seat cover (just remove it cuz it really sucks not to).
    Its continued but not quite as often. Once it dies i can start it immediately after most the time with no problem. Initially I checked the codes and the rpm signal came up. I replaced the big air hose with a good spare i had cleared the codes and took it for a test drive and now it says no codes.

    the problem continues but a little less frequently than when this all started.

    I'd appreciate any advice.

    i replaced the tps a while back already.


  2. #2
    Van Fan
    My Van(s):
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    Nov 2014
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    Re: 87 stalls

    maybe check out the coil with an

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