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Thread: engine oil leak throwing oil all over compartment......

  1. #1
    Forum Newbie
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    engine oil leak throwing oil all over compartment......

    I finally got my master clutch cylinder working and fix the overheating problem rebuilt the power steering pump so it does not leak no more now I have found an engine oil leak that is hitting the belt slinging oil all over the engine compartment does anybody know if there is a common problem with this or anything I should look for it is pretty hard to tell where the engine oil is coming from hopefully it is an easy fix and seeing how I've already fixed all of the other oil leaks. Thanks

  2. #2
    Van Obsessed
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    Re: engine oil leak throwing oil all over compartment......

    Leaks are funny things but generally speaking, a leaking fr crank seal would display in that manner but before jumping into that repair I would want to shampoo it within an inch of its life then inspect for leaks, best to be sure before ripping and tearing.

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