This is a working draft ... because we've gotten this to work from desktops and tablets, but phones are giving us problems. Some work fine and some ... not so much. If any phone users have input, please respond in this thread with (1) what phone you have and (2) if what's below doesn't work for you, what does work (if you know) besides using a 3rd party hosting service such as Photobucket or Imgur. We want to work out the bugs and get solid information up for you mobile users, and we want to be sure photos posted here don't vanish at the whim of another server or photo hosting site!

Posting pictures on TVT

FIRST — in your computer or device, make sure the file size is not too large and reduce if necessary (we suggest a final file size of 1MB or less, which will be a working size of up to 4MB in Photoshop ... or just go with a 6" width).
IF APPLICABLE — in your computer or device, use a file rotation tool so that the photo shows right-side-up.

NEXT ...

Name:  postingphotos_1.jpg
Views: 3348
Size:  65.5 KB

Name:  postingphotos_2.jpg
Views: 3197
Size:  61.5 KB

If you are posting something from the internet, please DO NOT use the "from URL" option! This leaves TVT vulnerable to photo loss, and also security issues later on. Download the photo to your device (or take a screenshot), re-size as above, and then upload from your device.

Name:  postingphotos_3.jpg
Views: 3373
Size:  63.7 KB

Name:  postingphotos_4.jpg
Views: 3378
Size:  84.0 KB

Name:  postingphotos_5.jpg
Views: 3339
Size:  98.6 KB