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Thread: Posting links on TVT

  1. #1
    Administrator timsrv's Avatar
    My Van(s):
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    Posting links on TVT

    I have recently received PMs from some of our members asking about TVT's policy on posting links to other sites. I want everybody to know that ALL TVT members are welcome to post links to any other site that will further our mission to "preserve the van". Please refrain from "hot linking" pictures, as that takes up the other site's band-width (and is generally frowned upon). I also want to make it clear that TVT isn't bothered if you still have ties or loyalties to TVP (ToyotaVanPeople) or any other sites. We encourage our users to freely share/post all van related information available (as long as it does not violate the other site's copyright rules or offend their admin). Please do not copy/paste content from other sites unless it was originally written by you or you have written permission from both the site and the original author. I can't speak for anybody else here, but since we're on the subject, I give my permission to all TVT members to copy/paste my (timsrv) posts/pictures to any other sites as you see fit..........with the exception of porno sites and/or other such sites that could be considered bad taste .

    As some of you may already know, we have been asked to not post TVT links on TVP (so please respect their wishes and refrain from doing so). I have also been asked to not solicit TVP users or even inform them of the existence of least not while on their site. They have put censorship software in place to prevent TVT links (even the initials "TVT" and the word "Tech" have been censored). As I'm sure you all know there are ways to get around the censorship issue, but I'd rather not aggravate the situation (so please do not disguise links or even make mention we exist while on their board). Okay, enough said. Thank you all for your contributions and support of TVT . Tim

  2. #2
    Administrator llamavan's Avatar
    My Van(s):
    1985 5-sp cargo (Trustyvan) . . . . 1989 5-sp 4WD DLX (Skylervan)
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
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    Re: Posting links on TVT

    One clarification: ADVERTISING hot links are not permitted unless you have prior approval from TVT Admin.

    From the Forum Rules (you can access the complete forum rules from a link at the bottom of each page):

    4. Advertising: Anyone who may profit financially from shall support the site financially.

    a. Advertising on is only permitted by posting in the Classifieds forums or by purchasing advertising space.

    b. Users may not market their products in any form or include business site links, URLs, email addresses or phone numbers in posts, threads, blogs, user profiles and signatures without prior authorization from the site owners. Such contact information and/or links may be edited without notice.

    TVT does have an Advertising Member category. Advertising Members are allowed to use hotlinks in their signature lines, and also receive some other perks in exchange for their commitment to helping support TVT financially. Contact Admin if you are interested in becoming an Advertising Member.

    1985 5-speed window cargo van set up for llama haulin'; 345K ("Trustyvan")
    1989 4WD 5-speed DLX; 410K and an odd sense of humor ("Skylervan")

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