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Thread: Cannot access a specific thread

  1. #1
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    Cannot access a specific thread

    Edit: ok, for some reason that specific thread makes you log in again to see it, even when you're already logged in. Other threads don't do that. Who knows.

    I'm trying to look at:

    and I get a vbulletin "You are not logged in or you do not have permission to access this page"

    I have an account and am logged in. I've tried deleting cookies, restarting the browser, logging in again, using a private window, nothing works. Other links to specific threads (from posts) seem to work fine.

    What's weird is that when I go to the thread that links to the above ( it shows that I'm logged in (with "welcome, username" msg at top), but when I click the link in the post and get the error page, it doesn't show the username.

    Any ideas?

  2. #2
    Administrator timsrv's Avatar
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    Re: Cannot access a specific thread

    Thanks for pointing that out. I just fixed all those links (including the one in your post above : ). FYI a few years ago our hosting company upgraded our website and added some extra security. When they were done the prefix to our address changed from "http:" to https: ("s" for secure). When that occurred all links previously posted on the site became obsolete. The links still "kind of" work, but you get that hassle you described above. Whenever I see an old link I edit it by simply adding an "s" after the http and that's all that's needed to restore it. I've probably fixed over a hundred so far, but they still pop-up now and then. If you find anymore, for immediate access you can click on them, then add the "s" in your address bar and hit enter. If you have time, please post a link here (to where the link is posted) and I'll go fix it. Tim

    PS: On Google and some other browsers the address bar no longer displays the prefix "http:" or "https:". If you click on one of those links, and you don't see the prefix, just type in "https:" in front of the address and click enter.........that should take you to the right place.

  3. #3
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    Re: Cannot access a specific thread

    Ok, that makes sense. Thanks Tim

    Here's one more post several of the old links:

  4. #4
    Administrator timsrv's Avatar
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    Re: Cannot access a specific thread

    Thank you! I just fixed them all. This helps as I don't have a lot of time to scan the forum. It's easy to fix though, so if you find more please let me know. Tim

  5. #5
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    Re: Cannot access a specific thread

    Did this get fixed site-wide somehow? Clicking "http" links seems to work where it didn't before.

  6. #6
    Administrator timsrv's Avatar
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    Re: Cannot access a specific thread

    ??? Not sure. If I were more IT savvy I would probably know how to do it with a single setting, but sadly I am not. There are upgrades to the software from time to time, so maybe there was a patch???

  7. #7
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    Re: Cannot access a specific thread

    Hmm. The reason I was asking was I was going to suggest a google search that shows all the "http" links, but when I tried it the links it found seemed to work fine. Anyway here it is if that's helpful.

    "http:" AND "toyotavantech"

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