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Thread: How to disassemble the dash on a Previa

  1. #21
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    Re: How to disassemble the dash on a Previa

    Quote Originally Posted by Previologist View Post
    If you are only going to replace the dummy lights in the main cluster you don't have to remove or unplug the cigarette lighter, drink tray or radio. You just need to get the radio fascia off, giving access to the 2 screws on the instrument panel hood.
    If I understand what you mean by "dummy lights", those two light bulbs in the HVAC panel can be replaced fairly easily, as you say. (As Jonny says, as long as you leave out those two 8mm-head screws that retain the radio from below, you don't need to do anything below.) As you say, you can just remove the radio fascia and replace the bulbs (though it can be awkward to pull them out without breakage).

    However, those lights are part of the blower switch harness (wiring assembly), and are replaced with the switch, which is how I did it the last time. AFAICS the HVAC panel must be removed to replace that switch.

  2. #22
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    Re: How to disassemble the dash on a Previa

    I am referring to the main instrument cluster lights-the oil, fuel, seat belt, alternator, speedometer, check engine light etc.

  3. #23
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    Re: How to disassemble the dash on a Previa

    I may have to walk back what I said at least partway...I can tell you that I took the instrument cluster off on my 97 without having to do any of that but its possible that either the 97 is different, or the 2 screws Jonny talked about leaving out were left out by a previous owner....

    Today I took the cluster off of my 93 so I could get some extra sockets for the instrument bulbs, and it was a bit more involved because those 2 screws definitely needed to be removed.

  4. #24
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    Re: How to disassemble the dash on a Previa

    Put the 97 dash back together today and can now confirm that it is pretty much the same as the 93. The two screws had been removed by someone prior to me, which is why it came out so easily

  5. #25
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    Re: How to disassemble the dash on a Previa

    Considering how infrequently the dash needs to be pulled apart, I always put all screws back. Failing to put them back may make future disassembling easier, but can also result in squeaks and rattles.

  6. #26
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    Re: How to disassemble the dash on a Previa

    Just replaced my gauge cluster lights with white LED. There were three light-plug-holders they are green. Those are the ones you want to replace if you just want to change the general color.

    Although changing the automatic transmission lights look cool as blue. I have a manual so I don't get to do that. But I did have an auto before where you couldn't see at night. Should have looked at it. But it went to van heaven.

  7. #27
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    Re: How to disassemble the dash on a Previa

    Quote Originally Posted by advolkit View Post
    Just replaced my gauge cluster lights with white LED.
    How is it working out for you?

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