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Thread: The WHAT-IS-THIS-PART and WHAT-IS-THE-PART-NUMBER Thread for Previas

  1. #1
    Van Addict cvtroger's Avatar
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    OEM part numbers - engine mounts

    Was wondering if anyone new the part number for engine mounts for 95 previa?

    Is there a link or list to parts numbers?

    Thanks in Advance!

  2. #2
    Administrator timsrv's Avatar
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    Re: OEM part numbers - engine mounts

    For 95 SC models here are the mounts w/production dates:

    12362-76011 (07/1993 - 07/1995)

    12361-76041 (07/1993 - 07/1995)

    Toyota calls the transmission mount "rear engine mount #1" These are the 2 rubber bushings that go into holes of the mounting bar. These are sold each, so if you're doing that you'll need to order 2. Toyota changed these mid year, so pick your bushings based on production date.

    12371-76050 (01/1994 - 12/1994)
    12371-76051 (01/1995 - 06/1997)

  3. #3
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    Re: OEM part numbers - engine mounts

    the 2TZ-FE and 2TZ-FZE engine mounts are the same, however they were revised throughout production....
    the numbers you have posted superseded to:
    12362-76011 -->> 12362-76012
    12361-76041 -->> 12361-76042

    the trans mounts are not the same between 2TZ-FE and 2TZ-FZE due to a completely different trans:
    12371-76050 -->> 12371-76051 x2 for A340E

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    Re: OEM part numbers - engine mounts

    Thanks man, I forgot to check for updates. Toyota will automatically update to the latest part number when you order anyway, so if you ordered the numbers I gave, you will still get the same thing. Tim

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    Van Addict cvtroger's Avatar
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    Re: OEM part numbers - engine mounts

    Thanks guys!

    I ask because this post keeps popping up.

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    Administrator timsrv's Avatar
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    Re: OEM part numbers - engine mounts

    To figure out aftermarket part numbers go to or any number of other on-line auto parts sites. Tim

    Here's a snip from rockauto:

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    Re: OEM part numbers - engine mounts

    This appears to be a left side auto/manual transmission mount for the non-supercharged Previa.

    Related Parts Choose for Me to Minimize Cost
    1995 TOYOTA PREVIA 2.4L L4 : Transmission-Automatic : Transmission Mount Price
    ANCHOR Part # 9032 4 speed trans.
    Choose: [Regular Inventory] (Only 3 Remaining) ($20.79) ^ [Private Label Package] ($27.79) ^
    ^ Ships from same location as parts in cart
    DEA Part # A7277 Left
    WESTAR Part # EM9032
    DEA Part # A7278 Right

    Last edited by originalkwyjibo; 07-14-2014 at 02:56 PM.

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    Re: OEM part numbers - engine mounts

    Sorry. Not sure why it came up so big. It looked just like Tim's in my preview post.

  9. #9
    Van Addict cvtroger's Avatar
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    Re: OEM part numbers - engine mounts

    Quote Originally Posted by originalkwyjibo View Post
    Sorry. Not sure why it came up so big. It looked just like Tim's in my preview post.

    Thanks. Yup, according to that, it is the left. I just got the heafty estimate... but in all, I feel it is worth it since the goal is for family and be functional.

    I figure, I'll take a gander at them when the engine is out.

  10. #10
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    Re: OEM part numbers - engine mounts

    for an expensive well refined and engineered vehicle like the previa, I'd do it right and get the toyota motor mounts... the 97 mounts are different, I don't know what's different... anyone with a 97 please take pics so we can compare... if they're better, then we can figure out what else we need to change to make them work

    I'd only get the cheap aftermarket mounts on a cheap car like a corolla

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    Van Addict cvtroger's Avatar
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    What component is this?

    95 previa s/c

    Behind the coolant reserve has 2 big hoses attached?

    thanks in advance.


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    Re: What component is this?

    I'm not a Previa guy but that looks like your average heater control valve.

  13. #13
    Van Addict cvtroger's Avatar
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    Re: What component is this?

    Quote Originally Posted by originalkwyjibo View Post
    I'm not a Previa guy but that looks like your average heater control valve.
    Thanks, I wasn't 100% sure as I am still learning my previa and waiting for my workshop manual.

    I'm going to replace my alternator and I wanted to replace some hoses while taking things apart.

  14. #14
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    Re: What component is this?

    yes, it's the heater control valve
    it uses special clamps... I wouldn't use any aftermarket hoses nor worm gear clamps on it... it's held fine for all these years for good reason

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    Re: What component is this?

    Quote Originally Posted by TheMAN View Post
    yes, it's the heater control valve
    it uses special clamps... I wouldn't use any aftermarket hoses nor worm gear clamps on it... it's held fine for all these years for good reason
    Yup, I'm ordering some OEM ones. I'm just completely amazed everytime I start taking things apart how interesting the previa is.

    I'll have to look for the diagram for this.

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    Re: What component is this?

    I used regular 3/4" rad hose and worm gear clamps to patch to the heater control valve when I changed out my heater core and its worked fine and never leaked, actually re plumped a bunch of stuff in that area because I had just bypassed the heater core for a year.

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    Re: What component is this?

    Quote Originally Posted by photocopy View Post
    I used regular 3/4" rad hose and worm gear clamps to patch to the heater control valve when I changed out my heater core and its worked fine and never leaked, actually re plumped a bunch of stuff in that area because I had just bypassed the heater core for a year.
    I've used some generic auto parts store hoses on many of my past cars. The previa is by far the one I have decided to put quality and as much OEM unless I feel something is superior or at the same level.

    I've replaced the 4 coolant hoses while the engine was out, but much of the stuff under the hood was untouched besides belts and radiator. So now I'm touching everything. I am always blown away when I start stuff off the previa and I feel it is super interesting.

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    Re: What component is this?

    Quote Originally Posted by cvtroger View Post
    I've used some generic auto parts store hoses on many of my past cars. The previa is by far the one I have decided to put quality and as much OEM unless I feel something is superior or at the same level.

    I've replaced the 4 coolant hoses while the engine was out, but much of the stuff under the hood was untouched besides belts and radiator. So now I'm touching everything. I am always blown away when I start stuff off the previa and I feel it is super interesting.
    Ultimately I guess it comes down to how you use your vehicle, what materials you have on hand and what your budget is. I use my previa as a work vehicle exclusively and got it for free on craigslist for 5 years ago. I tend to MacGyver most of my repairs and try and fix parts rather then replacing in order to spend as little money (if any at all!!) as possible. I have no intention of ever selling the vehicle and generally carry a full tool kit and parts bin with me at all times.

    This is the opposite of working on my wifes car (2009 Corolla), in which case I use OEM everything as its a much nicer vehicle. And if it breaks down on the side of the road there its a bigger deal!

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    Re: What component is this?

    Quote Originally Posted by photocopy View Post
    Ultimately I guess it comes down to how you use your vehicle, what materials you have on hand and what your budget is. I use my previa as a work vehicle exclusively and got it for free on craigslist for 5 years ago. I tend to MacGyver most of my repairs and try and fix parts rather then replacing in order to spend as little money (if any at all!!) as possible. I have no intention of ever selling the vehicle and generally carry a full tool kit and parts bin with me at all times.

    This is the opposite of working on my wifes car (2009 Corolla), in which case I use OEM everything as its a much nicer vehicle. And if it breaks down on the side of the road there its a bigger deal!
    LOL, I totally understand! I only did as much as needed on my previous vehicles for a couple reasons. 1. it was my car(s). 2. I had space to work on my car (when I lived in Washington state).

    Currently, I live in San Francisco.. space is ungodly premium and lucky to even have a shared parking garage. So I can't do too much work because some people will complain (people complained about too much stuff under my hanging storage compartment). So I have to be somewhat quiet, discrete and work on it late at night/early morning. The other priority is that I got this van for my family, my wife and 2 boys (4yr and 1yr).. so I wanted reliability. Being a wannabe (student) automotive technician can only take me so far (knowledge) and my resources for parts/services is zero.

    I decided to only go with OEM as much as possible because of those issues, but also the influence the guys on here had on me about parts. In all honesty, I only would go OEM on my previous cars if absolutely had to, if not, it was aftermarket or what was secondary. Now I realize the quality of OEM (such as rebuilt alternators) and I am not as frugal with the previa when it comes to those parts.

    You got a free previa and you are making it run and it appears you have the knowledge too...

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    Van Addict cvtroger's Avatar
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    Re: What component is this?

    Can not find the parts numbers..

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