Hi guys
New to the forum and posting from New Zealand.
Ive had a search through old threads but cant find the info/help i need, most seems to be related to the 2C-T engine, not my 2C.
I have very intermittent starting troubles (possibly happens 1 out of 20/30 starts)
as far as i am aware the battery is in good working condition.
a quick run down of the problem.
I turn the key to IGN and let the glows warm up, when the glow light goes out i continue to start.
most of the time is starts first pop, straight away.
sometimes, maybe 1 in 10 starts it doesnt start straight away so i keep the key turned to start and after maybe 5 seconds it starts.
If i release the key without getting it to start it will do nothing for a very long time, (this is the 1 in 20/30 issue) when i say 'do nothing' i mean no matter how many times i turn the key to start again i get NOTHING, no relay click, no starter noise, nothing at all.
its almost asif the starter has kicked out and got jammed in the ring gear.
Because of this i have got into the habit of never releasing the key from the start position until the truck has started
if i go back to the truck after a few hours it will then sometimes start up as normal, which again makes me think its the pinion gear getting jammed in the ring gear and over an hour or two it manages to free itself ?? please, any thoughts on this hypothesis would be welcomed!
ive pulled the starter out today and all contacts look good, nice and clean with no corrosion.
Ive phoned local parts suppliers and none can source a new starter and have recommended either get one from a scrap yard or have my one rewound.
look forward to hearing what you guys think so i can finally get this sorted!